The Science of Getting Ripped: Proven Diet Hacks and Workout Tricks to Burn Fat and Build Muscle in Half the Time


#1 Best Selling Author in Men’s Health, Weight Training, and Sports Training Categories on Amazon

Here’s How an Overworked Computer Engineer Accidentally Discovered the Little-Known ‘Secrets’ to Build Muscle and Lose Fat

I’d had enough of my unhealthy lifestyle… I didn’t exercise … I had a two hour shuttle to my hospital IT job in Chicago… I had a wife and 2 kids (4 & 7)

And most of the fitness advice I read was geared towards guys who had the time to workout 6 days a week. 

But after a LOT of research and trial and error, I After all figured out how to burn fat and build muscle whilst still maintaining my busy lifestyle. The result is “The Science of Getting Ripped”

This is my step-by-step manual I created for busy guys that want to burn fat, build muscle, get stronger, and increase their athleticism and power. I share the secrets and tips that regular guys can use to get in incredible shape. This is not a typical “bodybuilding” book because it’s geared towards regular guys with busy lives. 

Here’s What You’ll be able to Discover

  • How a little known nutrition trick slashes fat! (once you know this, you won’t have trouble burning fat)
  • The little used strategy that means you get stronger on ANY lift: (this is a common sense technique I hardly ever see anyone do)
  • Are you looking to lose belly fat? You’re in luck… I’ll show you a proven way to target your flabby belly… this is great for beer belly’s
  • How to get a six-pack and an out of this world core with these under-utilized ab movements
  • Imagine increasing strength and muscle growth week after week! Well now you’ll be able to… this literally transforms your body in a matter of weeks… but surprisingly no one does it
  • The exact time it should take you to lower a rep (I guarantee most of the people are messing this up)
  • The magic time frame each set should take for optimal growth (are you going too fast?)
  • Why training for too long is counter-productive and ceaselessly a barrier to muscle growth! (This little tip is the #1 tool to avoid plateaus)
  • The one thing you MUST do to stimulate new muscle growth. (Simple to learn… and once you do… you won’t have trouble putting on new muscle)
  • What the TRUE muscle-building hormone is and how to ignite it every single workout
  • Why drastic reductions in calories is counter-productive and damages long term weight loss
  • Banish your cravings with this in your diet (never cave in to cravings again)
  • How to SMASH through plateaus and sticking points: (this scientific principle you MUST incorporate in your workouts to help prevent plateaus)
  • How to eat your favorite “junk” foods and STILL lose body fat: After all discover how to eat your favorite foods like pasta, chocolate cake, hot dogs, pizza, ice cream, cup cakes, french toast, andcinnamon rolls to HELP you build muscle whilst STILL dropping body fat! (This one mind-blowing tip shocks most of the people)
  • How the “afterburn effect” helps you burn more calories whilst working out less
  • Can’t make it to the gym?… No problem. Just do this simple “get ripped at home” workout
  • The Mind-Blowing Testosterone and Growth Hormone Boosting Secrets (these powerful hormones literally burn fat, increase sex drive, and virtually turn back the hands of time causing you to look and feel younger
  • The ONLY 3 supplements you’ll ever need (save your money… these are the only supplements you want… period!)

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