Algorithms and data structures are a lot more than abstract concepts. Mastering them allows you to write code that runs faster and more efficiently, which is particularly important for today’s internet and mobile apps. This book takes a practical approach to data structures and algorithms, with techniques and real-world scenarios that You’ll be able to use in your day-to-day production code. Graphics and examples make these computer science concepts understandable and relevant. You’ll be able to use these techniques with any language; examples in the book are in JavaScript, Python, and Ruby.
Use Big O notation, the primary tool for evaluating algorithms, to measure and articulate the efficiency of your code, and modify your set of rules to make it faster. Learn the way your choice of arrays, linked lists, and hash tables can dramatically impact the code you write. Use recursion to solve tricky problems and create algorithms that run exponentially faster than the alternatives. Dig into advanced data structures such as binary trees and graphs to lend a hand scale specialized applications such as social networks and mapping software. You’ll even encounter a single keyword that may give your code a turbo boost. Jay Wengrow brings to this book the key teaching practices he developed as a internet development bootcamp founder and educator.
Use these techniques today to make your code faster and more scalable.