Joss Whedon’s Buffy and the Scooby team conclude Season 11 as they get up for all witches and demons to thwart a conspiracy against magic and the supernatural.
As residents, it didn’t take long for Buffy, Willow, and Spike to find that there was something more in the back of the internment of the magical population in the government’s “Secure Zone” in the Grand Canyon. So when release becomes conceivable, Buffy and Willow grasp the opportunity despite the unbelievable risks They are going to be taking: relinquishing their magic and becoming “normal” humans, and . . . leaving Spike in the back of. The pair reunite with Dawn, Xander, Riley and Sam Finn, and the Slayer Faith. When Buffy reveals to the crew that the true purpose of the camp is to bring about the elimination of all supernatural powers around the world, the Scoobies begin their mission. They are going to manufacture a great escape from the camp and follow the obscure trail of the Big Bad to its end. Extraordinarily, the trail seems to lead higher and higher in the ranks of the USA government . . .
Leading Buffy and the Scoobies to stand up and fight for their right to magic are creator Christos Gage (Angel & Faith, Buffy Season 10, Avengers Academy), Season 11 series artist Rebekah Isaacs (Angel & Faith, Buffy Season 10, DV8), and guest artists Georges Jeanty (Serenity, Buffy) and Megan Levens (Spell on Wheels, Madame Frankenstein)!