In Creative Capital, Spencer Ante tells the compelling story of the enigmatic and quirky man–Georges Doriot–who created the venture capital industry. The writer traces the pivotal events in Doriot’s life, including his experience as a decorated brigadier general all over World War II; as a maverick professor at Harvard Business School; and because the architect and founding father of the first venture capital firm, American Research and Development. It artfully chronicles Doriot’s business philosophy and his stewardship in startups, such as the important role he played in the formation of Digital Equipment Corporation and plenty of other new companies that later grew to be influential and successful.
An award-winning Business Week journalist, Ante gives us a rare have a look at a man who overturned conventional wisdom by proving that there’s big money to be made by making an investment in small and risky businesses. This vivid portrait of Georges Doriot reveals the rewards that come from relentlessly pursuing what-if possibilities–and offers valuable lessons for business managers and investors alike.