* USA Today and Wall Street Journal best seller*
Be inspired by the book at the back of the graduation speech by Dr. Rick Rigsby’s– now with 100+ million views on Facebook and YouTube.
After his wife died, Rick Rigsby was once ready to surrender. The bare minimum was once good enough. Rigsby was once content to go through the motions, living out his life as a shell of himself. But then he remembered the lessons his father taught him years before – something insanely simple, yet incredibly profound.
These lessons weren’t in advanced mathematics or the secrets of the stock market. They were slightly straightforward, in reality, for Rigsby’s father never made it through third grade. But if this uneducated man’s instructions were powerful enough to produce a Ph.D. and a judge – consider what they may be able to do for you.
Join Rigsby as he dusts off time-tested beliefs and finds brilliantly simple answers to modern society’s questions. In a magnificent testament to the “Greatest Generation” which gave so much and asked so little in return, Lessons from a Third Grade Dropout will challenge you even as reigniting your passion to lead a actually fulfilling life.
After all, it’s never too late to be informed a little bit more about life – just ask the third-grade dropout.