“Revelations of Divine Love” is a text of Julian of Norwich’s dream visions that she had when she used to be near death. Then, after being miraculously healed, Julian of Norwich dedicated the remainder of her life to writing her series of sixteen visions for all to read and consider. All through her life, Norwich had suffered through three different bouts of the Black Death. Julian of Norwich remained optimistic in her faith, though; she denied that the plagues were God’s punishment on the wicked. Instead, she believed that God used to be incapable of punishment. In her eyes, each and every person used to be worthy of God’s salvation, and Hell used to be not a place of banishment and torture. She thought that God’s true intentions of Hell were yet to be discovered. In “Revelations of Divine Love,” Julian of Norwich extrapolates on her beliefs and describes the visions she received about the Passion of the Christ in addition to the Virgin Mary. Along with being a really inspiring work, it’s also hailed as the first book written in English by a woman. Regardless whether it is read for its historical significance or its religious message, “Revelations of Divine Love” is a really inspiring text of Christian Mysticism.